
This is everything, all in one place, coming 'atcha!

This firehose contains a record of all my micro posts, articles, photography, and other web doings. If you'd like to subscribe to feeds to stay up-to-date with things, then you can do so via my syndication page.


A few notes after voting in an election for the first time:

  • The queue is non-existent mid-afternoon.
  • The upper-house ballot paper is way bigger than I anticipated.
  • You can figure out a lot about a party based on their ‘how to vote’ cards.
  • I’m sick of stupid corflute cards.

I just want everyone to know that I’ve got some really awesome stuff coming really soon. Like, maybe next week.

I’ve been putting so much work into it, and I’m very much on the home stretch. It is the biggest-scale thing I’ve ever done, and I’m getting really excited to get to share it with everyone.


New post published:
Respecting User Preference

Allowing users choice is satisfying.

Discussion of why respecting user preferences is satisfying, covering how respecting user autonomy, embracing diversity, solving dual-nature problems, practicing quality craftsmanship, and seeing visible impact creates fulfilling work beyond mere functionality.


Bing Webmaster Tools just generally suck, yeah? Surely it can’t just be me that finds them super buggy and can rarely get them to index anything.

Does anyone have experience with them working nicely?


All right, I’m calling a timeout. Can everyone please stop writing so many good articles, please? I’ve got work to do, and you all keep distracting me.


Given the recent hubbub regarding Firefox, I know a lot of people are looking for another browser.

I want to take this opportunity to remind you that almost everything out there is based on Chromium and that this gives Google a dangerous power over our web. Google has a near-complete monopoly – don’t play into it.

Further on this topic, I see a lot of people switching to Vivaldi, which, as well as being built on Chromium, isn’t fully open source.


When children express objectionable views, we’re quick to ask, ‘Where did they pick that up from?’, ‘What have they been watching?’, or ‘Who told them this?’.

Perhaps we need to ask the same regarding adults.