
This website is home to a lot of stuff, and I also publish elsewhere on the web. This page shows ways to follow and stay up to date on the ongoings of this site and my other endeavours. If you’d just like to see everything all in one place, then check out the firehose.

I usually try to provide my feeds in both RSS and JSON Feed formats, though I plan Atom support for my site in the near future.


I write long-form on this site, which you can subscribe to via:


Sometimes I work on, contribute to, or am otherwise directly involved with writing that is external to this website. You can follow this content via:


I take photos sometimes. If you’d like to know when I take new ones, you can subscribe through:


I also publish short snippets and notes.

I store a microblog feed on my site, which mostly serves as a loosely curated mirror of my Fediverse, Bluesky, and LinkedIn posts that can be accessed at:


You can find me on the Fediverse at Follow me directly or via these feeds:


I also have a profile on Bluesky at Follow me there or subscribe via its RSS feed: