

New post published:
Strong Opinions on URL Design


A collection of strong opinions on URL design and structure covering topics including use of capitalisation, use of IDs, spaces, hyphens instead of underscores, trailing slashes, hierarchy, and other gripes and particulars I hold.


Let’s put this masonry debate to rest. I propose we replace grid with masonry altogether. Think about how much trendier everything will be.


My magnet implant is super sensitive at the moment. I can feel the magnets in my laptop chassis as I type this.

Wonder what is causing it and if it is permanent.

This is really wack. It is so much more sensitive. I can easily sense a field from double the distance I could yesterday.

I’ve palpated the area and can’t feel any physical difference. Really odd.


Speakers of English (traditional) rejoice, for I have fixed CSS. You can sleep easy knowing that there exists an easy way to permit writing ‘colour’ as ‘colour’.

BritCSS is a simple bit of client-side JS that permits using English spellings.

Always fun to put together small things like this because I inevitably learn something I didn’t know.


I was working with Three.js today, and I noticed they’ve got a navigation item called ‘GPT’ in the sidebar of their site.

Clicking it takes you to a ChatGPT GPT called ‘Three.js Mentor’. First time I’ve seen something like this. Feels odd.


I had a vision.

The CSS Masonry angel came down from the heavens and addressed me. I made to speak, but it reached out a single slender finger and touched it to my lips to hush me. “Soon,” it said with the voice of a choir. “Soon.”