

I kinda miss the days when sites would get complete redesigns pretty much annually. It kept the web feeling fresh and cutting edge.

I suppose it was simpler to do everything over when all it took was a bit of hacking away with HTML and CSS.


Google has a secret ‘Forums’ tab that exclusively returns results from forums and discussion boards. You just need to append the query “udm=18” to the URL.


Further, and as you’re likely aware, you can use “utm=14” for a simpler set of results devoid of cruft such as knowledge panels and AI slop. It is reminiscent of the Google of old.


New post published:
An Inventory of Lexical Loves

A wonderous wealth of words.

A collection of my favourite words (as defined by their extreme specificity, enjoyment to say, and overall zaniness) presented with definitions and in some cases their etymologies and my justification for inclusion. Including quality terms including defenestration, vellichor, contronym, bloviate, and schlock.


New post published:
The Flow State

The hypnotic trance of productivity.

A description and look at the productive trance that is the flow state (AKA zen state). An attempt at capturing in words the essence of complete cognitive immersion and the enthralling rush it brings.


Friendly reminder you can chuck document.designMode = "on"; in your browser console, and it’ll let you directly edit the text of the current page.


I was thinking about the other future today. The one where Microsoft didn’t get done for having a monopoly, and we all searched the web using Bing via Internet Explorer.