I love the process of creating and refining things to perfection!
- Build something.
- Put it out there.
- Observe how it’s received and gather feedback.
- Identify, plan, and enact action to improve it.
- Repeat until it’s as close to perfection as possible!
The OODA (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act) loop is a powerful framework—not just for decision-making, but for building better products and experiences.
It’s also invaluable in avoiding wasting time building things that nobody wants or needs.
My article on HTML’s legacy colour parsing was featured on Manuel Matuzović’s HTMHell today. 🎉
For those unfamiliar, the HTMHell Advent Calendar is a fantastic publication bringing together authors from around the world to share insightful articles on web development topics like security, accessibility, UX, and performance.
In my article, I dive into the quirks of HTML’s legacy colour parsing, exploring just why the value ‘chucknorris’ outputs red and talk about the resilience of the web.
Lost my pet chicken of 8 years today. She was with me from primary school all the way through high school and beyond.
She hasn’t been well these past few days. Today when I came out to see her, she really wasn’t well but was still hanging on. I think she was waiting for me to see her before she went.
I picked her up and cradled her for a while before she passed in my arms. There is a bit of comfort knowing I was with her in her last moments and that she wasn’t alone.
I’ll miss you Garbin. Love you.

New post published:
The Implementation of This Site
A breakdown and overview of the implementation of Vale.Rocks, how it used to be built, how it's built now, and its associated infrastructure.