Just spent 5 minutes on CodePen wondering why my CSS wasn’t working.
postion: absolute
Just spent 5 minutes on CodePen wondering why my CSS wasn’t working.
postion: absolute
It’s fortunate my 3D printer is so slow. I can’t fathom the amount of crap my house would be filled with if it was any faster.
I misinput a value in one of my recent articles, so it stated the post was revised in February rather than January.
Out of the thousands of viewers, only one person caught it and pointed this out to me.
It is so important to get fresh eyes on things and to seek feedback.
Remember: For every person who reports an issue, there are likely dozens or hundreds (or even thousands) who noticed but stayed quiet.
A bee on a pink flower.
A ladybird sitting on a plant.
A purple flower attached to a plant.
My photos just hit 50K views on Unsplash! Gotta be happy with that!
I wish there was a way to git diff
life so I could see what has happened between yesterday and today.
Bad AI-generated images are a guaranteed way to cheapen your content and drive away users. Creating high-quality visual content is essential for engaging your audience. Take the time to make something good, or don’t bother at all. Quality matters.
I put together a photography page on my site. It contains photos I have taken. You will now click the below link and view these photos. You will enjoy the experience.
Just posting this here for no specific reason at all.
My writing once again made the front page of Y Combinator’s Hacker News yesterday!
I shared my journey exploring human-technology integration through a fascinating procedure: getting one of Dangerous Things’s bio-magnets implanted in my hand.
Check out my full article here: https://vale.rocks/posts/my-experience-biohacking
For those that missed it, I got a magnet implanted in my hand. It’s pretty rad.
My write-up is currently on the front page of Hacker News, but you can read it here:
In the same vein as “Is it better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all?” I propose:
Is it better to make something and have it scraped for an AI or to have never made anything at all?
My links page has been going really well!