

Spent a bit of time putting together a little tool that lets you search across search engines. You can pick a default and use bangs to search a specific site, like on DuckDuckGo.

Made it mainly for myself, but I’m sure it’s of interest to other people.


New post published:
I Got A Flipper Zero

My review of the Flipper Zero and the things I've done with it. Encompassing everything from the initial purchase to setup and usage, as well as the community and some cool projects.


I’ve got a review of the Flipper Zero coming out on my blog tomorrow. It includes my thoughts on the Flipper itself, the Momentum firmware, and some mischievous uses. Stay tuned!


Finally gave Zed a quick go on NixOS. It’s slick. The collaboration features are unrivalled.

If someone asks for a code editor in future, Zed is gonna be my suggestion. As much as I love NeoVim, I understand it isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. I can only see Zed getting better and filling the shoes of VS Code.


Does this Neuralink stuff remind anyone else of “Flowers for Algernon”? The patient experiences temporary enhancement and then has it slowly taken away. I fear the potential psychological impact.


So, uh, is the punchline of The Big Bang Theory just misogyny?

I don’t watch the show, but every time I’m exposed to it, that’s the impression I get.


Been keeping an eye on the GitHub milestone as the issues were slowly crossed off the list. Very glad to see the release of Neovim v0.10.

So many great improvements with this release! Congrats to the team!