An Inventory of Lexical Loves
- 641 words
I love words and the English language 1 happens to have lots of them. My favourites tend to be overly specific, fun to say, or just a tad zany. Many words in this list are homonyms or polysemous, but I am only including my favourite definitions unless there is reason not to.
The extremely savvy reader could perhaps surmise what media I have been consuming, particularly what books I’ve been reading, based on the order of certain words outlined here or the mere occurrence of some of the more obscure inclusions.
- Phantasmagorical
- Dreamlike and ethereal, often lacking coherent lucidity.
- Ebullient
- Originally referring to the bubbling seen in a boiling liquid, but now used to describe bubbly enthusiasm or excitement.
- Radicool
- Portmanteau of ‘radical’ and ‘cool’ which really accentuates just how wicked something is.
- Defenestration
- To throw someone or something out a window. The Wikipedia article is a good read for the origin.
- Delirium
- A state of incoherent thought prone to hallucinations and delusions.
- Quixotic
- Caught up in grandiose ideas or goals that are beyond realistics or practicality.
- Vellichor
- That feeling of being in a used bookstore.
- Abscond
- To flee swiftly and secretly. Absconding is commonly done with biscuits or other sweet treats one isn’t supposed to have.
- Elope
- To flee with a lover, often with the intent of marriage.
- Zany
- Ludicrous or outlandish.
- Mellifluous
- Smooth and nicely flowing like a liquid. This applies well to describing good writing.
- Bloviate
- To discourse pompously at length. It kinda sounds like bovine, which is usually a good descriptor of your average bloviator.
- Orate
- To speak formally, and/or with passion.
- Pellucid
- Transparent or translucent, but most definitely not opaque.
- Vestigial
- The retention of characteristics that were once beneficial to an organism, but have since lost function/purpose due to evolution.
- Cacophony
- An assortment (usually of sounds) that somehow all manage to fight each other. Auralize the sound of being in a room full of beginner recorder players all trying their best.
- Garrulous & Loquacious
- Both are almost perfect synonyms of one another, so I’ve grouped them. They refer to when someone is overly chatty, often with equal over expression.
- Fungi
- Chlorophyll lacking eukaryotic organisms. Incredibly fun to say.
- Rambunctious
- To be boisterous, destructive, and disruptive. Think of how an out of control group of youths act.
- Flummox
- To completely and absolutely perplex.
- Contronym
- A word describing words with two conflicting meanings.
- Resplendent
- To be dazzling and visually appealing.
- Gonzo
- Extreme, exaggerated, unconventional and quite possibly bizarre. Especially applicable in the context of certain form of journalism. See: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and Gonzo.
- Onomatopoeia
- A word that is a vocal imitation of a sound when said aloud.
- Shenanigans
- A mischievous, nonsensical, or underhanded act or remark.
- Demented
- Of unsound mental facilities.
- Quibble
- A minor and usually largely insignificant criticism.
- Splendid
- Very good. Best said with cup of tea in hand. Monocle optional but recommended.
- Blasphemy
- To insult or disrespect something deemed sacred. Great fun to shout at people.
- Spleen
- Organ that helps filter blood. Mainly here because it is fun to say.
- Schlock
- Something that is low-quality, junky, or tacky. See: any Neil Breen film.
- Scuffed
- Something that is scraped, roughened, or otherwise completely out-there. Though not the ‘proper’ spelling, it is much better said substituting the ‘c’ for a ‘k’ – skuffed.
- Skewiff
- Not properly straightened or levelled.
- Halcyon
- Calm, peaceful, and tranquil.
- Vouchsafe
- To condescendingly permit or bestow something.
- Flub
- To stuff something up. See the Flubber in the 1997 film, Flubber.
- Botch & Bungle
- Both are almost perfect synonyms of one another, so I’ve grouped them. To do something ineptly.
- Bodge
- To hack together an often temporary solution.
- Discombobulate
- To put someone in a state of perplexion.
I’m obviously speaking of the proper English language – the one where colour is spelt with a ‘u’ – not the simplified version. ↩