A New Holland Honeyeater sits to the right of the frame. It has bright yellow patches on its wings and a spotty striped pattern of black and white down its front. Behind it is a large tree, a shed, various other structures, and various trees and greenery.
  • Camera: Google Pixel 7a

  • Focal Length: 5.43mm

  • Aperture: f/1.9

  • Shutter: 1/145s

  • ISO: 56

A New Holland Honeyeater sitting on a chair.

My mother and I went to The Berry Farm which was swarming with New Holland Honeyeaters and Blue Wrens. As we sat at the cafe, the birds would dive down to steal people’s berry jams if they left them unattended for even the briefest of moments.

I managed to take this picture as a bird ‘sat’ on the chair at the end of our table.