Considering the amount of far right content that keeps making its way into my YouTube recommendations, I now understand how so many people end up falling down the path of hate.
YouTube needs to do better and moderate its platform.
I’m especially sickened by the sheer amount of anti-trans content that enters my YouTube recommendations. Videos that outright suggest that people assault transgender individuals.
Yesterday, I saw a video from a literal Nazi. His content was promoted and had a large number of views. He engages in marches around cities, urging others to join him in his hate campaigns. This really shouldn’t be sent to my front page, or anyone’s, for that matter.
I created an alternate account on another device, on another network. This account had no links to my own and a fresh install of its OS. I received the same content nearly immediately. I found YouTube’s Shorts feature pushed it particularly hard.
I also noticed that YouTube’s “news” tab promoted Sky News above all other broadcasters.
News arguably shouldn’t be treated differently on the platform at all, but to promote a network with such bias and prejudice above all others is inexcusable.
Remember not to engage with this content. Move on as soon as you realise what it is. Don’t dislike it. Don’t comment condemning it. Move on.
The more you interact, the more is promoted.
YouTube, you must do better. This isn’t acceptable. Stop this hate bait and get it off the platform.