Tools and Resources
These are 77 links to handy and useful tools and resources available on the web. All are usable for free and without sign-up.
- SVG Wave Generator: Generates customisable waves with SVG.
- Tabler Icons: Huge collection of vector icons.
- 3dicons: Icons, but 3D.
- Puter: A cloud-based desktop environment.
- Simple Icons: Huge collection of vector icons.
- The Ultimate Oldschool PC Font Pack: Old crunchy PC fronts.
- Device Info: A web browser security testing, privacy testing, and troubleshooting tool.
- Glassmorphism CSS generator.
- Feather Icons: Huge collection of vector icons.
- Mixkit: Stock footage.
- Unsplash: Stock photos.
- Oh Shit, Git!?!: A guide to un-fucking your Git mistakes.
- 98.css: Windows 98 style CSS design system.
- XP.css: Windows XP style CSS design system.
- 7.css: Windows 7 style CSS design system.
- Laws of UX: Collection of best practices that designers can consider when building user interfaces.
- Meet the Ipsums: Various placeholder texts.
- Realtime Colors: Visualise colours and fonts in context on a site.
- Flexbox Froggy: A way to learn CSS flexbox.
- Pexels: Stock photos and videos.
- The League of Movable Type: Open-source font foundry.
- IT Tools: Handy tools for developers.
- Fontshare: Fonts for personal and commercial use.
- Merklemap: Search subdomains.
- PWA Install Demo: Installation dialog for Progressive Web Applications (PWAs).
- HTML De-crapulator: Does what it says on the tin.
- Time related tools to help you stay productive and organised.
- RedditDB: Shows the time when subreddits are most active.
- magick.css: Minimal CSS framework.
- Uiverse: Community-built library of UI elements.
- The Bézier Game: Game that teaches use of the pen tool.
- Uisual: Library of website components and templates.
- Wakamai Fondue: Answers the question “What can my font do?”.
- SQLZoo: Teaches SQL step-by-step.
- OSINT Framework: Provides tons of open source intelligence resources.
- Photopea: Photoshop clone.
- Learn X in Y Minutes: Teaches various things quickly and simply.
- NandGame: Teaches how to build a computer from basic components.
- CodePen: Online front-end playground.
- Anna's Archive: Huge open library.
- What length CSS unit should you use?: Informs what CSS unit you should select in various use cases.
- srcl: Open-source component and style repository with terminal aesthetics.
- Kenney: Free game assets.
- Scale: Colour scale generator.
- Tons of art available for commercial use.
- Freesound: Stock sounds.
- Kay Lousberg: Game assets.
- Quaternius: Game assets.
- Overlay Fact Sheet: Information about web 'accessibility' fact sheets.
- WikiApiary: Information about MediaWiki websites.
- Remix Icon: Huge collection of vector icons.
- Free Music Archive: An archive of free music.
- CopyPalette: Create consistent monochromatic colour palettes.
- Information on how to get your own place on the internet.
- Iconic: Huge collection of vector icons.
- Comprehensive file converter.
- Color and Interactive guide to color and contrast.
- ambientCG: Free textures, HDRIs, and more.
- BGJar: SVG background generator.
- ColorSpace: Generate a palette from a colour.
- Cool Backgrounds: Backgrounds that are cool.
- fffuel: Collection of colour tools and SVG generators for gradients, patterns, textures, shapes, and backgrounds.
- Color Hunt: Colour palettes for designers and artists.
- Undesign: Collection of free design tools and resources for makers, developers, and designers.
- Mossaik: Graphic generator.
- Tabbied: Generate patterns from templates.
- Patterninja: Create tiled patterns from icons.
- Eva Design System: Generate colour pallets using deep learning powered algorithm.
- Duotone: Convert images into duotone versions.
- Archive of graphic design related items available on the Internet Archive.
- CallToInspiration: Huge amount of UI/UX inspiration.
- collected: New web design inspiration on every visit.
- Palette List: Database of palettes.
- Curated Design: Curated web design inspiration catalog.
- Design Everywhere: An ever-growing collection of carefully curated works from around the world.
- iOS Icon Gallery: Gallery of iOS app icons.
- 60fps: UI/UX design animation inspiration for mobile and web apps.